
The Broadstreet Run: a recap from a spectator’s point of view 

This weekend I spectated The Broadstreet Run in Philadelphia. I ran the race last year but when it came time to register this year I opted not to because 10 miles is a long race and it feels even longer when you aren’t in great shape. I still agree this was a smart decision if I want to think about my long term goals and avoid further sickness and injury. Even though I opted out of racing I found myself involved with the race which was so awesome. This weekend I worked at the expo selling sparkly soul headbands, if you bought a sparkly soul maybe I sold it to you!! This is a product I stand behind 100% and use almost daily so it was an obvious choice to work at the expo. There is something magical about being in a convention hall full of runners. I instantly gained motivation and started making some training and race plans. 

Sunday I went to watch the race. I had a few miles worth of confusion when trying to find an appropriate place to spectate. I went the wrong way, I ran as if I was racing, and ended up facing the water. Everything happens for a reason though, I got a good run in because of this momentary lapse of direction. Actually, I have to be honest I’m always bad at directions. I watched the race with some cool people and I was able to see almost all of my running friends and acquaintances run by. Someone ran so fast I missed her completely!! And then…..then I got even more motivated to pick out some races!! 

Seeing everyone run so well brought me so much joy and being around runners all weekend made me the happiest I could be! 
Being sick, injured, or taking time away from the sport doesn’t have to be a horrible thing. You get to experience running from a different perspective and it’s still amazing! I found myself so inspired and motivated by my friends and all of the runners this weekend and now I’m ready to return to the racing world full force this summer. I thought I would be sad about missing broad street but I’m not, I couldn’t be happier 😺

5 thoughts on “The Broadstreet Run: a recap from a spectator’s point of view 

  1. I read a lot of recaps from the 10 miler and it sounded like everyone had a great time and lots of fun. I loved the finisher’s medals too. It’s so cool you worked the expo and got to talk to so many runners- I worked an expo once for TrySports (local running store/club) and it was really fun. I loved talking to people who were visiting from other cities and stuff too. I also spent a lot of time volunteering when I was injured last summer and it was nice to give back.

    Good luck with deciding on signing up for another race. You’ve got this :).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I REALLY wish I had stopped by your booth at the expo! It would have been so great to see you, but I am sure we will get to meet up at another race soon! I’m glad to hear you’re getting pumped up to make race plans. There are so many fun summer races in the area. 🙂


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